CS373 Fall 2021: Week 12

Nicholas Huang
2 min readNov 15, 2021

What did you do this past week?

This past week, I have spent a majority of my time finishing another project for my Neural Networks class and the entirety of Phase III with my group. Unfortunately, major due dates for this class and Neural have finally converged. Fortunately, this Neural assignment was more straightforward than usual, so I was able to get it done quickly and focus all my attention on Phase III’s development.

What’s in your way?

Unfortunately, I have not been able to spend much time on my other two classes, Physics II and Business Law and Ethics. I need to make sure to spend some time this week reviewing the lecture material of these two classes so that I do not fall behind.

What will you do next week?

After extended consideration, I have decided to accept a full-time Spring semester internship from Oracle. Unfortunately, this means that I will not be able to take many classes at UT, but thankfully, I was already scheduled to graduate one semester early. Next week, I will spend a considerable amount of time thinking about how I can still obtain school credit along with my job, such as taking an easy core class with a community college.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #12: More Getters and Setters?

I thought this paper served as a great extension to last week’s paper. Again, I am always appreciative of how these articles turn our knowledge of object-oriented design over its head, and this article is no exception.

What was your experience of cross join, theta join, natural join, and SQL?

I believe that I have developed a firm understanding of how cross join, theta join, and natural join works due to my past experiences working with SQL. Unfortunately, I was unable to apply my knowledge of generators well enough to complete two of these exercises this week. Thank goodness we get three exercise drops.

What made you happy this week?

A couple of high school friends visited earlier this week. It was a great change of pace from all the work that had piled up.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

ESLint and StyleLint are two static analysis tools that are used for identifying problematic patterns found in JavaScript and CSS code, respectively. They are very useful to ensure that the JS and CSS code you write are well-formatted, which can avoid many potential problems from occurring in the long run. These two tools are available as extensions on Visual Studio Code, so if you write JS or CSS programs on this platform, I would suggest downloading these extensions.

